10 Tips for Building Scalable Web Apps with Ruby on Rails

by Bruno Enten, Co-founder / CEO

Ruby on Rails, often referred to simply as Rails, is a robust and popular web development framework known for its elegant code and developer-friendly environment. While it allows developers to rapidly create web applications, ensuring scalability can be a challenge. Building scalable web apps with Ruby on Rails requires thoughtful planning, architecture, and coding practices. In this article, we'll provide you with 10 essential tips to help you build scalable web apps with Ruby on Rails.

1. Design for Scalability from Day One

Scalability isn't an afterthought; it should be part of your application's initial design. Consider potential bottlenecks, such as database queries, and plan your architecture accordingly. Think about how your application can handle an increasing number of users and data without significant performance degradation.

2. Optimize Database Queries

Database queries are often a bottleneck in web applications. Use ActiveRecord's query optimization methods to write efficient SQL queries. Employ database indexes to speed up common queries and avoid N+1 query problems by using includes and joins to fetch related data in a single query.

3. Utilize Caching

Caching can dramatically improve performance and reduce the load on your database. Rails provides tools like Rails.cache and caching mechanisms like page caching, fragment caching, and Russian-doll caching. Implement caching wisely for frequently accessed data and pages.

4. Employ Background Jobs

Time-consuming tasks like sending emails or processing large data sets should be handled asynchronously using background jobs. Popular gems like Sidekiq and Resque can help you manage and execute background jobs efficiently, preventing request/response bottlenecks.

5. Horizontal Scaling

To handle increased traffic, consider horizontal scaling by adding more application servers. Use a load balancer to distribute incoming requests evenly among these servers. This approach ensures that your application can grow seamlessly as the user base expands.

6. Monitor Application Performance

Use monitoring tools like New Relic or Scout to gain insights into your application's performance. These tools help you identify performance bottlenecks, track errors, and optimize critical paths within your application.

7. Optimize Asset Delivery

Optimize asset delivery by using a Content Delivery Network (CDN) for static assets like images, stylesheets, and JavaScript files. CDNs reduce the load on your web servers and improve the overall speed of your web app.

8. Implement Proper Authentication and Authorization

Ensure that your authentication and authorization mechanisms are efficient and secure. Use gems like Devise or devise_token_auth for authentication and Pundit or CanCanCan for authorization. Implement role-based access control (RBAC) when necessary.

9. Practice Good Code Organization

Maintain clean and organized code to ease development and reduce the likelihood of introducing performance bottlenecks. Follow Rails conventions, utilize meaningful naming conventions, and keep your codebase DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself) to prevent unnecessary complexity.

10. Regularly Review and Refactor

As your application evolves, periodically review and refactor your codebase. Remove deprecated code, optimize database queries, and update gems to their latest versions. Keep your codebase agile and free from technical debt that could hinder scalability.

Bonus Tip: Use a Content Delivery Network (CDN)

To further enhance your web app's scalability, consider using a Content Delivery Network (CDN) for assets like images, stylesheets, and JavaScript files. A CDN distributes these assets to multiple servers located across the globe, reducing the load on your web server and ensuring fast loading times for users worldwide.


Building scalable web applications with Ruby on Rails is achievable with the right strategies and best practices in place. By designing for scalability from the beginning, optimizing database queries, leveraging caching, and employing background jobs, you can handle increased traffic and deliver a seamless user experience.

Horizontal scaling, performance monitoring, and code organization are also crucial aspects of building scalable web apps. Additionally, remember to regularly review and refactor your code to maintain its efficiency and keep technical debt at bay.

By following these 10 tips and integrating them into your Ruby on Rails development process, you'll be well on your way to creating scalable web applications that can grow and adapt to meet the demands of your user base.

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